Do you agree citizens have the right to know when herbicides are used in our community? Do you agree that our government officials need to protect our families from preventable and harmful toxic exposures by reducing herbicides used by government agencies and other users?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Glyphosate (Roundup): Most Biologically Disruptive Chemical in Our Environment?
Monsanto wants you to believe that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, is only “minimally toxic” to humans, whatever that means. But the most recent study on the most widely used herbicide in the world says, once again, otherwise. According to the report: Glyphosate residues found in the main foods of the Western diet – sugar, wheat, and genetically modified corn and soy – inhibit critical enzymes in mammals. Its negative impact on the body is “insidious and manifests slowly over time, as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.”