- Prior to the commencement of herbicide application operations, DCR will place yellow painted arrows that point towards a “no spray” zone on streets curbs or sidewalks as necessary, yellow arrows on stakes for dirt trials.
- DCR will deploy a qualified point person to assist in identification. For applications using a vehicle a single orange traffic cone will be placed by the yellow arrow to signify where to stop the herbicide treatment. Two cones will be placed at the next yellow arrow to signify where treatment can be re-started.
According to the CSX vegetation management plan:
Sensitive areas, no-spray areas, limited-spray areas, and non-sensitive areas will be marked at their boundaries with permanent color-coded markers by one or any combination of the following:
• color-coded signs attached to posts
• color-coded signs attached to the railroad ties
• color-coded painted rail sections and/or ties
• color-coded signs attached to the railroad ties
• color-coded painted rail sections and/or ties
Sensitive areas and non-sensitive areas will be designated by the following color-codes:
• white: non-sensitive areas
• blue: sensitive area in which a minimum of 12 months shall elapse between herbicide applications
• double or dark blue: sensitive areas in which a minimum of 24 months shall elapse between herbicide applications.
• yellow: no spray zone
According to the MA DOT plan
For the purpose of identification, sensitive areas are separated into two categories: areas that are and are not readily identifiable in the field.
Sensitive Areas that are readily identifiable in the field include surface waters, wetlands, rivers, and agricultural and inhabited areas. Sensitive areas that are not readily identifiable in the field include public groundwater supplies, public surface water supplies, and private water supplies.
For guardrail, curb and barrier spray, the following field markers shall be used: NO-SPRAY limits shall be indicated using RED signs at either end of the limits; SPRAY limits shall be GREEN.
For invasive species treatment areas, spray limits will be flagged the using painted wood survey stakes, or landscape flags. ORANGE stakes will indicate limits of Spray area.
Sensitive Areas that are readily identifiable in the field include surface waters, wetlands, rivers, and agricultural and inhabited areas. Sensitive areas that are not readily identifiable in the field include public groundwater supplies, public surface water supplies, and private water supplies.
For guardrail, curb and barrier spray, the following field markers shall be used: NO-SPRAY limits shall be indicated using RED signs at either end of the limits; SPRAY limits shall be GREEN.
For invasive species treatment areas, spray limits will be flagged the using painted wood survey stakes, or landscape flags. ORANGE stakes will indicate limits of Spray area.