Monday, July 11, 2011

Newton 21 Day Notice: MBTA herbicide spraying

7/11/2011 Update:  I called Mark Lacombe of Northern Tree. He informed me that the City of Newton has received the official 21 day notice of the July herbicide application.  I've left a message for Anne Phelps, Newton's Sr. Environmental Planner and Dr. Dori Zaleznik, Health Commissioner requesting a copy of the notice so that the Green Decade/Newton can notify residents.

Re:  DCR plans for spraying Hammond Pond Reservation, Saw Mill Brook Reservation, Quinobequin Road, and Hammond Pond Pkwy

I will be attending the public hearing on Tuesday July 12 (11:30 am -12:30 pm) about the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) 5-year vegetation management planThe hearing is at the UMASS Eastern Extension Center, Waltham Field Station, upstairs conference room, 240 Beaver St., Waltham.  Please let me know if you are interested in observing or sending comments.

See the 6/15/2011 Newton Herbicide Update here>  

For this and related information go to>
Don't Spray 'em. Outsmart 'em

Ellie 617-965-9637 Green Decade, 617-965-1995