Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Still waiting for 2010 Newton Herbicide reports - correspondence

From: Ellie Goldberg <ellie.goldberg@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: reply to request
To: Linda Walsh <Linda_Walsh@newton.k12.ma.us>
Cc: rrooney@newtonma.gov, marciac <marciac@aol.com>

Hi Linda and Bob, 
     Thanks for getting back to me.  Unfortunately you didn't provide the Newton specific herbicide reports I was expecting.
     You provided links to the Vegetation Management Plans.  As you know from earlier emails, I already have all the Vegetation Management Plans and also posted the links to them on my Don't Spray 'Em, Outsmart 'Em website
     I was asking for the dates and other details of Newton's 2010 herbicide applications and the copies of the notifications that the applicators are required to provide to the city agencies by the state regulations.  We discussed the details of the notification and reporting requirements at the meeting in Bob Rooney's office. 
     Can I assume that the lack of documents means that none of the herbicide users gave proper notification to the city?
     Bob, can you follow up with your promise to obtain the information from the herbicide application contractors or agencies?
     Thanks for your help,

From: Linda Walsh <Linda_Walsh@newton.k12.ma.us>
Date: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 3:46 PM
Subject: reply to request
To: Ellie Goldberg <ellie.goldberg@gmail.com>
Cc: rrooney@newtonma.gov

Dear Ellie,

The information you have requested regarding the herbicides used by various companies and agencies to control vegetation can be found on the website of the Department of Agricultural Resources, specifically:

The following conduct herbicide application in Newton:
Mass DOT District 6:
N Star lists Newton as one of the municipalities:
CSX Railway:
Mass. DCR:
MBTA Rapid Transit Lines:

The reports do not provide data on the amounts of herbicides applied in each community.  I have been informed that this is not part of their required submissions to the state. You might wish to contact the Right of Way Vegetation Management Division of the Department of Agricultural Resources for additional information.

As you have noted in your article, I have written to The Department of Agricultural Resources asking for more timely notification of when herbicide application will be undertaken in Newton.