Bring the Benefits of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to Your School!
- Learn about the principles of pollution prevention and sustainable practices that benefit everyone.
- Teach the use of brain power and team work instead of toxic chemicals to prevent and control pests such as head lice, mice and cockroaches.
- Teach others to spot conditions that invite pests and allow them to thrive such as open dumpsters, leaky faucets, clutter and wet trash.
- Encourage collaboration and responsibility among all building users in adopting the good hygiene, sanitation and maintenance practices that keep the school clean and in good repair.
View Massachusetts Children and Families Protection Act - 333 CMR 14.00 [PDF]
The purpose of 333 CMR 14.00 is to promote the implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Techniques and to establish those standards, requirements and procedures necessary to minimize the risk of unreasonable adverse effects on human health and the environment regarding the use of pesticides within a school, daycare center or school age child care program facility. The Children and Families Protection Act went into effect on November 1, 2000. School IPM
Find your school's IPM plan.
Is the plan up to date? Is it complete? Is it readable?
Does your plan's development and annual evaluation include parents?
Does the school educate and train staff and students?
Does the school implement the plan and inform you about it?
Are posters about the Pest Management Plan posted in classrooms and other high visibility areas?
Do you know how to report conditions that attract or harbor pests? Who is responsible for correcting conditions?
Do you know where reports and service records are kept? Are they accurate? reliable?
Does the plan create clean, dry, uncluttered, well-managed healthy conditions that keep your children safe from pests and pesticides?